concurrent enrollment announcement with Weber State logo

Did you know you can earn college credit in high school? Many of our classes are considered dual enrollment and can give you high school AND college credit.

However, taking the course at Viewmont DOES NOT automatically give you college credit. You must apply to the university as a concurrent enrollment student and then register for each class you take with that university. This is NOT done through Viewmont High or with your myDSD account. You are responsible for registering and paying for those courses through the university.

Most of our CE classes are taught through Weber State University, but we do have a few classes that are taught through other universities. Those are:
        Digital Audio 1 with Mr. Freeman is through Utah Valley University
        Welding 1 with Mr. Heiner is through Salt Lake Community College
        Commercial Photography with Mr. O’Connor is through Salt Lake Community College
CAD Mechanical Design 1 with Mrs. Kemeny is taught through Southern Utah University

If you have never taken a concurrent enrollment class, please take the time to apply to the university as a CE student (this is only done once and you need to make sure you apply as a (CE) concurrent enrollment student, not a first-time student. Everything must be done through the Concurrent Enrollment page at the University, not through the regular Weber application process.), and then register for each class once you have been admitted. You can apply for each of the universities at once by using the Concurrent Enrollment Application form (see the links below for step-by-step instructions).

Your CE teacher will let you know the course number (CRN) of the class you need to register for during the first week of school. Please reach out to them with any questions.

If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Godfrey or Mrs. Williams in the Counseling Office and we will be happy to help. You can also find out more about dual enrollment on our website HERE.

Click HERE for the Weber State University CE Admissions steps

Click HERE for the SLCC CE Admissions steps

Click HERE for the UVU CE Admissions steps

Click HERE for SUU CE Admission steps