student donating blood

Each year our Viewmont HOSA club hosts ARUP blood services in a school blood drive. If you haven't heard of HOSA before, HOSA is an international student organization for students interested in future health professions. The organization is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education. HOSA is one of the largest clubs in our school with over 100 members. See more about Viewmont Clubs HERE.

Our HOSA blood drive collected 62 units of whole blood which are being processed into as many as 186 separate blood products for patients at the Huntsman Cancer Institute and the University of Utah hospitals. With it being the last day of term, the day before fall break, and the fact that we had to start it late, with Wednesday being a late start day, and shut it down early this was a BIG DEAL. Our record for donations is 66 units, ARUP only expected us to collect around 40. In addition, we registered 81 donors.

Thanks to everyone who donated! For those who weren't able to donate at this blood drive, HOSA will continue to host more blood drives in the future.

blood drive mascot and student