Military Families


purple star school logo

At Viewmont High, we are recognized as a Purple Star School and we are proud to work closely with military families. We understand the unique situation your student is in as the child of a service member. We care about your students and want them to have equal and fair opportunities for academic success. To ensure your student has access to the resources they need, we have a designated military families liaison. Please feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns.

Viewmont High School recognizes November as Military Families Month. As such, during the month of November, any active-duty military member with valid military ID can enter any home event at Viewmont High School for free. Thank you for your service!

Viewmont High School recognizes April as the Month of the Military Child. As such we participate in PURPLE UP! FOR MILITARY KIDS. During the month of April, we adorn our grounds with purple ribbons, and each Friday, our faculty, staff, and students wear purple and pass out purple candy to recognize military families and their children for their daily sacrifices and the unique challenges they overcome.


Hill Air Force Base School Liaison
Email 75FSS.HillSchool.Liason


Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission

Blue Star Families

Military Child Education Coalition -


Jessi Trauner - Military Families Liaison

Military Veteran
MIC3 Trained
Academic Coach
Viewmont High School
Davis School District

Email Jessi Trauner